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Eight things you can do for climate change today

Climate change is real… we need to act

The head of the UN described the latest IPCC report as a ‘code red for humanity’.

And we can act. It isn’t too late.

We all want to do something, so here are eight things you can do today.

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1: Plant a tree

Every single tree, shrub and edible plant helps reduce CO2 in the atmosphere.

Plant a tree today, water it, keep it alive, and it reduces carbon in the atmosphere. It is the single biggest, easiest and most rewarding thing you can do.

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2. Don’t burn fossil fuels

If you have a choice, don’t burn fossil fuels.

If you can ride, walk or take a bus, then do that instead of driving your petrol burning car. If you can avoid flying, do it. If you can change all appliances that use gas to electricity, do that too.

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3. Buy green energy

Buy 100% renewable electricity. Not offsets, as these are a poor substitute. Buy the real green stuff.

And add solar panels to your house and workplace.

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4. Don’t buy crap

Retail therapy is nice, but pollution isn’t. Resist the urge to buy single life products, and gifts and toys that only end up in landfill. The earth can’t afford it.

And bring your own bag and cup everywhere. Do this before you recycle.

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5. Compost, compost, compost

38% of waste at home is organic. Compost it.

Turn your organic waste into something productive, and use the compost on your own tree(s) that you planted.

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6. Change your super

Where your super is, who manages it, and what you fund, matters a lot.

You can change this with one phone call. Go to Market Forces Super funds comparison and choose a better fund!

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7. Power of the consumer

Tell every corporation you can that the environment and the climate matter.

Choose companies that do the right thing. Tell companies that aren’t doing the right thing that they are not getting your business.

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8. Talk about it

Once a week, say something. To anyone.

Because the more you talk about it, the more likely they are to join in the journey.

Change starts with one. Then two, then…

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